The Filmakademie ABC

Here you will find all the essential information about your studies at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg - sorted alphabetically.

The Filmakademie ABC


Facilities and contact points

Here you will find all the central facilities and contact points for the course of your studies at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Facilities and contact points


The Filmakademie´s International Office offers FABW students the opportunity to enrich their studies with international modules. This broadens their horizons and at the same time opens up perspectives for life and careers after graduation.


The FABW's commissioned productions enable students to gain important practical experience in addition to their teaching projects and offer them a contribution to financing their own livelihood.

Your own work is the key to success. What strategy do I use to convince clients of my ideas? What attitude do I adopt?

Accompanied by FABW staff, students take responsibility for a professional project.


Student financing

On this wiki page you will find an up-to-date collection on the topics of scholarships and student financing...
(internal link)


Do you want to understand what to expect after the FABW, how to enter the market and find jobs? The ‘Selfmade’ series was created to answer these and other key questions about the transition to your professional life after graduation. You can find more information in the wiki...
(internal link)


Our coaching programmes are designed to help you reflect on individual topics and issues and to deal with/solve personal conflicts relating to your studies or collaboration. Further information can be found in the Wiki...
(internal link)

Contact points for discrimination & sexual violence

What to do in case of discrimination and sexual harassment? On this site you will find a collection of the most important internal and external counselling and contact points.

Student participation

The AStA

The AStA consists of a group elected by the student councils and made up of students from various degree programmes. Our tasks include bringing student concerns to the attention of the management, critically scrutinising and improving the structure and teaching at the Film Academy, and creating opportunities for exchange and regeneration away from the classroom.

The AStA

Student Council

The student representatives have the task of representing the interests of the various disciplines and forming the link between the students and the AStA in regular meetings (approx. once every 2 months).
Student representatives act as confidants/contact persons for the students and can also report problems of individual students to the AStA anonymously, for example.

Student Council

What is the buddy programme?

In this programme, FABW students provide advice and support for newly arrived international students (short term programme ICLA). From arrival to leisure activities and schedules to finding a room, the new internationals receive individual support. The goal of the Buddy Programme is the intercultural encounter of students from Germany and abroad.

What is the buddy programme?