Sustainability strategy of the FABW

In view of the limited natural resources and basis of life, Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg, as an internationally-renowned university, is committed to actively contributing to solving global ecological and social challenges. In doing so, we are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).

Together with all members of the Academy and our regional, national and international partners, we are working to make studying, working and producing at the Filmakademie as sustainable as possible.

FABW's mission statement on sustainability

FABW attaches great importance to sustainability in its teaching, student media production, research and administration. Our aim is to systematically bundle and continuously expand our existing expertise in these areas in order to transfer it to academic training and practical student experience.

We see it as our task to train multipliers for the future. In doing so, we pursue an integrative approach that takes into account both the forward-looking content of our academic education and the perspectives and topics that our students bring to the table. As an academy that takes social responsibility seriously, we offer space for thought and discussion. We want to ensure that our education is both innovative and relevant to the current media world and the needs of our students.

We seek a transparent and continuous dialogue with the FABW community, society and the public on the topic of sustainability. Openness to the world and a willingness to cooperate are essential components of our self-image as an internationally orientated institution.




Sustainable teaching and research

Sustainable teaching and research deal with global ecological, social, economic and cultural issues of the future. In teaching, sustainability orientation means that these topics are specifically and intensively integrated into the curriculum and become part of student practice.
Sustainable teaching is based on the principles of reflection and realisation. This requires the active participation of students and lecturers and leads to an interdisciplinary linking of topics. We are open to new forms of teaching, learning and knowledge transfer.

Sustainable teaching and research

Sustainable production

Based on the impetus from sustainable teaching, we will gradually evaluate all student productions at the Filmakademie according to industry-standard sustainability standards. In the future, the principles and structures of sustainable production should be harmonised with the creative processes at FABW and be considered a fundamental requirement.

Sustainable production

Sustainable management

FABW bases its administrative processes and ongoing operations on the principles of sustainability. Our energy and environmental management is continuously certified externally. Our key objectives include climate protection, energy efficiency and the systematic reduction of operational environmental pollution.

Sustainable management


Since 2017, the Filmakademie has been committed to the guiding principles of the WIN Charter of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg (KLIMAWIN BW).

Building on this and as part of FABW's extended strategy dimensions, the WiP strategy paper “Sustainability at FABW” was drawn up in 2022. We see this strategy as an expression of constant transformation - in the areas of sustainable and energy-saving organization, through to our central fields of activity of sustainable teaching and student productions.

As a state institution of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the Filmakademie is obliged to comply with the uniform CO2 cultural standard of the federal, state and local governments. The necessary greenhouse gas balancing will be carried out by FABW for the first time for the year 2025 and will be gradually expanded in accordance with the requirements of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Further information, links and documents

Baden-Wuerttemberg's economy is known for its innovative strength and high performance. However, many companies also achieve remarkable things when it comes to sustainability. On the recommendation of the “Sustainable Business Initiative Group”, the state government has launched the WIN Charter for committed entrepreneurs in Baden-Wuerttemberg for whom sustainability is an integral part of their corporate philosophy.

The WIN Charter is intended to honour sustainable business practices and make them visible to the public. The Filmakademie committed itself to the guiding principles of the WIN Charter in 2017. On 5 April 2018, the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Energy Baden-Wuerttemberg, Franz Untersteller, presented the certificate to the Filmakademie.

Further information and documents on the WIN Charter can be found here:

FABW is firmly committed to working, producing and teaching in an ecologically- and socially-sustainable and resource-conserving manner in all areas of activity. FABW's sustainability strategy initially focuses on the aspects of ecological sustainability.

The regulations were drawn up under the leadership of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, together with the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media: A group of experts developed a proposal for nationwide, cross-sector standards for greenhouse gas accounting.

Members of this expert group included representatives of the German Theatre Association, the German Museums Association, the German Orchestra Association, the German Library Association, the Association of German Archivists and the Federal Association of Socioculture. Expertise with regard to greenhouse gas balancing was provided by stakeholders such as the Baden-Wuerttemberg Climate Protection Foundation, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Climate Protection and Energy Agency and the Federal Environment Agency.

Technical support was provided by KlimAktiv gGmbH from Tübingen, which had already developed the Green Shooting Calculator under the leadership of Baden-Wuerttemberg and used throughout Germany, as well as Jacob Bilabel, Thema1 GmbH, who also supervises the Culture and Media Action Network.

Website about the CO2 Standard for Culture of the MWK BW (external link)


Baden-Wuerttemberg's economy is known for its innovative strength and high performance. However, many companies also achieve remarkable things when it comes to sustainability. On the recommendation of the “Sustainable Business Initiative Group”, the state government has launched the WIN Charter for committed entrepreneurs in Baden-Wuerttemberg for whom sustainability is an integral part of their corporate philosophy.

The WIN Charter is intended to honour sustainable business practices and make them visible to the public. The Filmakademie committed itself to the guiding principles of the WIN Charter in 2017. On 5 April 2018, the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Energy Baden-Wuerttemberg, Franz Untersteller, presented the certificate to the Filmakademie.

Further information and documents on the WIN Charter can be found here:

Sustainability strategy of FABW

FABW is firmly committed to working, producing and teaching in an ecologically- and socially-sustainable and resource-conserving manner in all areas of activity. FABW's sustainability strategy initially focuses on the aspects of ecological sustainability.

CO2 Standard for Culture

The regulations were drawn up under the leadership of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, together with the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media: A group of experts developed a proposal for nationwide, cross-sector standards for greenhouse gas accounting.

Members of this expert group included representatives of the German Theatre Association, the German Museums Association, the German Orchestra Association, the German Library Association, the Association of German Archivists and the Federal Association of Socioculture. Expertise with regard to greenhouse gas balancing was provided by stakeholders such as the Baden-Wuerttemberg Climate Protection Foundation, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Climate Protection and Energy Agency and the Federal Environment Agency.

Technical support was provided by KlimAktiv gGmbH from Tübingen, which had already developed the Green Shooting Calculator under the leadership of Baden-Wuerttemberg and used throughout Germany, as well as Jacob Bilabel, Thema1 GmbH, who also supervises the Culture and Media Action Network.

Website about the CO2 Standard for Culture of the MWK BW (external link)

Student productions

With the 2022 production year, the Filmakademie has committed itself to applying and complying with the “Ecological Standards for German Cinema, TV and Online/VoD Productions” formulated by the “Green Shooting” working group for all co-productions involving broadcasters.

In addition, FABW has formulated the goal of gradually producing student productions sustainably from the second year of study onwards from the 2023/24 academic year. The “Roadmap for Sustainable Production at FABW”, a translation of the above-mentioned industry standards for the context of student productions, serves as an internal framework for this.