Fields of activity

Festival Coordination is responsible for the presentation of FABW films at national and international festivals and competitions. It represents Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg at festivals and at the Bundesverband AG Kurzfilm. Another task of the festival coordination is to inform students about festivals, prizes and competitions and to advise them on the evaluation of films in order to develop the best possible festival strategy.

The festival office also supports festivals and students in the procurement of viewing and screening media. Animated films that are created during project studies are supervised in close co-operation with the Animationsinstitut.

Whether fiction, documentary, animation or advertising films:  The projects are presented at film festivals worldwide and regularly win prizes. Since the Filmakademie was founded in 1991, more than 21,000 festival participations and over 3,400 prizes have been awarded, including 7 Student Academy Awards.