It is the premise of the Filmakademie to promote the diversity of students, lecturers and personnel and to enable equal participation and further development in studies, research and teaching as well as in everyday professional life.

This includes creating equal access to the university.
A particular focus is therefore on reducing structural discrimination.

We see diversity not only as an opportunity, but also as a necessity in order to maintain our position as one of the world's leading film schools in the future and to produce socially-relevant and successful film and media projects.



Initiatives & Programmes

Initiatives & Programmes


Diverstity Audit of the Stifterverband (benefactor association)

Initiatives & Programmes


United for Gender Equality (PDF - german)

Initiatives & Programmes

Mentoring Programme

Into the Wild (external link)

Diversity in teaching

We want to give our students a natural approach to diversity in their films that critically questions their own position as storytellers and avoids (unreflected) stereotypical attributions.

As part of the declaration of commitment together with five other German film schools, the “Gender in Progress” programme was founded at Filmakademie in 2018 and expanded in 2021 to “Gender & Diversity in Progress”.

The aim of the series is to sensitise the filmmakers of tomorrow with events such as workshops, coaching, seminars, lectures, and panel discussions for a gender- and diversity-conscious creative process in front of and behind the camera.



Boosting the Next Generation

Lucca Veyhl and Aida Begović have been working as Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Coordinators for six German film schools at the FABW since summer 2023 .

As part of the Netflix project “Boosting the Next Generation: Promoting Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Inclusion at Film Schools”, the two are job-sharing to support the film schools on their journey to equip the next generation of filmmakers with the skills for diverse and inclusive storytelling.


FABW promotes equality and equal opportunities at all levels. It ensures a better balance between family, studies and career. It sees itself as a fair, safe, non-discriminatory and non-violent place to study, teach and work.

Rest room for breastfeeding and pregnant women:
First-aid room Metropolis building MET 0.28

Changing table:
Toilet for people with disabilities in the Lubitsch building





Equal opportunities and equality plan (PDF / ZIP)


Guide to gender-sensitive language (PDF - in German)


Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg stands for a place of work and study characterised by respect and tolerance, where friendly, appreciative and respectful interaction is cultivated. Discrimination and harassment are not tolerated by and at FABW.

Nevertheless, situations may arise during your studies or at work that are unsettling, irritating, discriminatory or frightening. We provide counselling and support in such situations.


Counselling and support in cases of discrimination and harassment:

We provide counselling and information if you are affected by discrimination or harassment: on the complaints procedure, on options for conflict resolution and on internal and external support services. In individual cases, we advise on options for action and protection and offer support in initiating a complaints procedure, upon request. We can, if desired, accompany affected persons during conciliation and mediation meetings as well as during the complaints procedure. Counselling is anonymous and strictly confidential; it provides relief and can be used as often as required.

If you experience or observe discriminatory behaviour:

Verbal or non-verbal belittling behaviour because of
•    skin colour or ethnic origin
•    social origin
•    gender
•    religion or belief
•    disability
•    age and body
•    sexual identity

If you are sexually harassed:

According to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), sexual harassment occurs when the behaviour of one or more people is unwanted, intrusive and one-sided. Sexual harassment violates the dignity of the person affected and is shameful, humiliating and offensive.
Sexual harassment and violence can be directed against any person. Women, Black people and people of colour, LGBTQIA+ and people with disabilities are particularly likely to experience sexualised discrimination. Even greater and particular vulnerability exists when several levels of discrimination overlap and intertwine.

There are various forms of sexual harassment:

  • verbal
    as a sexually suggestive remark or joke, as an intrusive, insulting or inappropriate comment
  • non-verbal
    as intrusive staring, whistling, exhibitionism, unwanted e-mail, distribution of pornographic material
  • physical
    as unwanted touching or physical violence

Sexual harassment is prohibited.

The boundary between flirting and sexual harassment is clearly defined. Flirting occurs with mutual consent. Assaultive behaviour occurs without the consent of the other person. Take your feelings seriously if you experience or observe a situation as unpleasant, inappropriate or frightening.

According to the law, the right of interpretation lies with the person affected. Harassment therefore also exists if something is supposedly meant in a joking manner and the violation of dignity is not intended, but those affected feel harassed.

All persons with managerial, supervisory and teaching responsibilities are responsible and obliged to encourage those affected to seek support from the counselling centres. They are obliged to inform the complaints office immediately of any suspected incidents.

Complaints office

If you are affected by discrimination or sexual harassment, you have the opportunity to lodge a complaint. Your complaint will initiate a complaints procedure. The Complaints Office will conduct a formal complaints procedure objectively and swiftly. This is followed by a confidential clarification of the facts and notification of the results to the person making the complaint as well as an assessment of the necessary and appropriate protective measures.

It is not possible to lodge a complaint anonymously. Anonymous reports can, at best, trigger preventative measures.

The representatives of the Complaints Office are obliged to remain neutral.


Directive on protection against discrimination and harassment taking into account the General Equal Treatment Act at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg from December 1st, 2023

Download guideline (PDF)


Internal contact points

Counselling centre (anonymous counselling)

_Ute Härter
+49 (0) 7141 969 82302

_Sujatha Dovgal
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82197


Complaints office (complaints and fact-finding AGG)

_Jessica Layher
+49 (0) 7141 969 82

_Matthias Wagenführ
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82661


Equal Opportunities Officer

_Ute Härter
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82302

Equal Opportunities Officer for Students

_Constanze Bühner
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82851

Representative for company integration management (BEM)

_Inka Federova
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82220

_Guido Lukoschek
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82194

Mentoring programme for the first year of study
Coaching programme and conflict counselling

_ Sibylle Kurz
Pitching training

_ Angelika Niermann
Individual and team coaching

Appointments via sebastian.uhlig(at)filmakademie.de
or andrea.macos(at)filmakademie.de

_Karin Larson
for the students of the Animationsinstitut
Appointments via constanze.buehner(at)filmakademie.de

Counsellor for the international students

_Sujatha Dovgal
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82197

Counsellor for students and students with disabilities

_Beate Pfennigwerth
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82110

Representatives of the Works Council (AGG)

_Frithjof Gnas
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82424

_Sujatha Dovgal
+ 49 (0) 7141 969 82197

Representatives of the AStA

_Benjamin Wahl
_Rike Ziegler
_Nadia Zimmermann

External contact points

Emergency call


Ambulance or fire brigade

Psychotherapeutic counselling - Studierendenwerk Stuttgart

+49 711 4470-1260

THEMIS - Confidence centre against sexual harassment and violence e.V.

+49 (0) 30 23 63 20 20
+49 (0) 30 23 63 20210

Ludwigsburg Police Headquarters

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 30, Ludwigsburg
+49 (0) 7141 18-9

Anti-discrimination counselling Adis e.V.

+49 7171 14310410


Immediate medical help after rape Ludwigsburg Hospital

RHK Klinikum Ludwigsburg
Posilipostraße 4, Ludwigsburg

Central Emergency Department: Entrance Erlachhofstr. 11, Ludwigsburg
+49 (0) 7141 999-0 (prior contact by telephone is not necessary)


Violence against women helpline

(nationwide and free of charge)

0800 116 016

Pastoral care

University pastor Seiler-Thies

+49 7141 221180

Appointed liaison lawyer of the MWK for sexualised discrimination, sexual harassment and violence

Lawyer Michaela Spandau

+49 (0) 711 673 53 70