The auditing process supports and accompanies universities in (further) developing a specifically suitable diversity strategy. The two-year auditing process consists of five internal workshops led by our auditor Dr. Isabell Lisberg-Haag as well as an exchange with the other universities of a cohort in the so-called Diversity Forums.

Other universities in the 2022 cohort:

•    Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg
•    FH Bielefeld
•    Ruhr-Universität Bochum
•    Technische Universität Darmstadt
•    Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe
•    Hochschule RheinMain
•    Universität Stuttgart


The Filmakademie's participation in the diversity audit is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation

Diversity Audit at FABW

We have formed a steering committee to strategically manage the auditing process within the Filmakademie. Please contact us at any time if you have any questions, suggestions or are interested in participating. The following people are members of the steering committee:

_Jai Wanigesinghe
+49 7141 969 82231

_David Steffen
+49 15228735308

_Lucca Veyhl
+49 (0) 7141 969 82107

_Ute Härter
+49 (0) 7141 969 82302

_Marika Köpf
+49 7141 969 82124

The steering committee and thus also the participants of the internal workshops at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg currently consist of 24 people from different status groups (lecturers, students, employees).

Fields of activity

The following four fields of action are being examined and addressed as part of the auditing process at the Filmakademie:

1. “Open doors - low thresholds? Selection and recruitment of students”

Measures during the audit:
-    Interviews with parts of the selection committees
-    Interviews with students
-    Development of recommendations for action

2. “Space for diversity and further development; diversity-sensitive recruitment, retention & further training of employees”

Measures during the audit:
-    Training on diversity-sensitive job advertisements
-    Development of a guideline for recruitment procedures
-    Accompanying the process of replacing the artistic director
-    Interviews with employees shortly after joining or leaving the Film Academy

3. “Diversity - What does that actually mean? Expansion of internal and external communication on the topic of diversity”

Measures during the audit:
-    Newsletter for employees with a fixed “Gender & Diversity” section
-    Campus magazine articles
-    Posts on social media

4. “Diversity in film as in life...creativity and diversity, a contradiction?”

Measures during the audit:
-    Development of a statement on diversity and self-reflection in film productions
-    Conception of a diversity box as an interactive space to stimulate and promote exchange around diversity


September 2022

Submission of the 1st self-report

October 2022

1st Diversity Forum organized by the Stifterverband in Bonn

February 2023

1st internal workshop (kick-off workshop)

March 2023

2nd Diversity Forum at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg

April 2023

2nd internal workshop (strategy workshop)

May 2023

3rd internal workshop (operational workshop)

November 2023

3rd Diversity Forum at the FH Bielefeld

April 2024

4th internal workshop (reflection workshop)
4th Diversity Forum at the Ruhr University Bochum

November 2024

5. internal workshop (certification workshop)

February 2025

Certificate award ceremony in Berlin

Field report