
A course of studies in VFX usually begins with undergraduate studies in animation and film at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg, which initially teaches the theoretical basics. An introduction to screenwriting, production design and the methods of visual storytelling prepares students for the subsequent project studies at Animationsinstitut, specialising in visual effects.

In this graduate diploma course, which is also open to lateral entry, students realise their own projects in collaboration with their fellow students from other fields of study. As a VFX Supervisor, they can take on overall responsibility for the visual effects, as a VFX Producer they can take care of the organisational and commercial tasks or as a VFX Artist they can concentrate entirely on the design of digital worlds, effects, characters and more.

As part of their studies, students have the opportunity to learn from experienced and successful mentors from the industry and also benefit from the Animation Institute's large network - for example at the annual FMX - Film & Media Exchange conference.

Study and diploma projects have been distinguished with several prestigious awards, including the Student Academy Award and the VES Award. Today, VFX graduates work for renowned companies in the film and VFX industry worldwide.


  • ENTRY LEVEL Undergraduate study programme
    Postgraduate diploma course
  • STUDY START Winter semester
    Undergraduate study programme:
    8 Semesters
    1 Mobility year
    Graduate study programme (lateral entry):
    4 Semesters
    plus in each case
    1 diploma semester
    Full-time attendance programme
  • FINAL DEGREE Diploma from Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • STUDY LANGUAGE German and English
  • TUITION FEES Undergraduate study programme:
    0 € (first course of studies)
    650 € (second course of studies)
    Graduate study programme (lateral entry)
    0 € (first course of studies)
    650 € (second course of studies)
    1.500€ (non-EU citizens)


Detailed information on the Visual Effects course of study can be found on the

Julian Dünser

Since my time at Animationsinstitut, my enthusiasm for visual effects has only grown: since then, I have been able to make many new connections, exchange ideas with like-minded people and even organise workshops with well-known people from the industry. At the same time, we still have enough time and space for practical productions and projects.

Julian Dünser

Visual Effects

Marc Angele

The know-how to tell a good story and create visually stunning moments with VFX is super diverse. I was able to learn all this at Animationsinstitut and FABW and gain experience on over 50 shoots worldwide. The technology at the institute is also absolutely top-notch. The dialogue between students has taken me to the next level.

Marc Angele

Alumnus | Visual Effects - Winner of the Student Academy Award 2020 with THE BEAUTY | VFX Artist at The Mill


Jan Burda

Whether films, games or the advertising industry - visual effects are needed everywhere! At Animationsinstitut, students learn all about the infinite possibilities of visual effects in a variety of projects.

Jan Burda

Senior Lecturer Visual Effects

Prof Juri Stanossek

The VFX specialisation deals with the planning and creation of visual effects from the script to the final image at the highest level.

Prof Juri Stanossek

Lecturer Visual Effects



You can find detailed information about studying at Animationsinstitut on the


Detailed information on the application process and the admission exam can be found here. We look forward to your submission!

Application deadline: 15 February