
Motion design (or motion graphics) is an international profession in the film industry at the interface of various creative disciplines such as graphic design, animation, filmmaking, visual effects, sound design and music composition.

Those interested in studying motion design should therefore be interested in a wide range of subjects and be prepared to build expertise in various fields. The basis of the study programme is typography and its animation. Added to this is the design of graphics as 2D/3D animations and real images as well as the sound level.

Motion design is therefore based on four pillars: typography, graphics, image and sound. Outstanding lecturers from the industry will support you and you will learn how to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary projects and workshops with other departments of the film study programme at FABW – such as Cinematography, Film Music, Editing, Directing, Film Sound, Production Design, Advertising Film, etc.

Through annual excursions to the best European motion design studios in Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, Copenhagen and London, you will establish an international network early on. The study programme prepares you for the challenges of the future – no matter where in the world you work.

  • ENTRY LEVEL Postgraduate diploma course
  • STUDY START Winter semester
    Postgraduate diploma course:
    4 Semesters

    1 diploma semester
    Full-time attendance programme
  • FINAL DEGREE Diploma from Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • STUDY LANGUAGE German and English
  • TUITION FEES Postgraduate diploma course
    0 € (second course of studies)
    1.500€ (non-EU citizens)


You can find detailed information on the application process and the entrance exam here. We look forward to receiving your submission!

Application deadline: 15 February

Ole Bornitz

The unique aspect of Motion Design at the Filmakademie is the opportunity to work together with other disciplines. Film Music and Film Sound Production & Film Sound Design in particular are essential, of course. The workshop formats with a wide variety of people from the design industry are also very interesting and exciting. The dedicated workspace for motion design also makes it easy to quickly share ideas with all students from different study years.    

Ole Bornitz

Student, Motion Design

Before and after your studies


  • Graphic design
  • Typography
  • Interest in animation, moving images, music and sound design
  • Desire for intensive collaboration
  • Basic presentation skills
  • Communication skills


  • Motion designer
  • Art director
  • Creative director
Timo Kreitz

During my studies at the Filmakademie, I focussed primarily on specialising in projects in the field of ‘spatial communication’ in order to expand my portfolio in this respect. The Filmakademie has proven to be a special place that offers the opportunity to work with teams from different disciplines such as Interactive Media,  Film Sound Production & Film Sound Design, and Production Design.

This interdisciplinary collaboration has been invaluable for my personal development. It not only allowed me to develop my design skills within the projects, but also to develop a deeper understanding of the diverse ways of working and communication between the different disciplines. This understanding helps me in my work today to realise multimedia projects.

Timo Kreitz

Gradutate, Motion Design

Structure of the study programme

The study programme is a postgraduate diploma course, divided into two years plus a one-year diploma semester.

Motion Design is not offered as part of the undergraduate study programme. A bachelor's or diploma degree is an entry requirement.

Course of studies

First year: Postgraduate diploma course

Seminars and workshops on contemporary motion design, motion branding/identity, motion typography, design briefing, concept development, animation, aesthetics, project-related writing, project management, sound design, visual music and advertising film.

Every semester there are regular and detailed discussions of all the students' motion design projects with the senior lecturers.

Second year: Postgraduate diploma course

Seminars and workshops on contemporary motion design, motion branding/identity, motion typography, creative editing, sound design, aesthetics, creative writing, abstract narration, media dramaturgy, immersive spaces and project management.

Every semester there are regular and detailed discussions of all the students' motion design projects with the senior lecturers.

Diploma project

In the fifth semester, a motion design diploma project is realised in cooperation with another department. The diploma project can be initiated by the Motion Design student themself or be designed as a service for another project (e.g. title sequence or campaign).

Postgraduate diploma course

First year

First year: Postgraduate diploma course

Seminars and workshops on contemporary motion design, motion branding/identity, motion typography, design briefing, concept development, animation, aesthetics, project-related writing, project management, sound design, visual music and advertising film.

Every semester there are regular and detailed discussions of all the students' motion design projects with the senior lecturers.

Postgraduate diploma course

Second year

Second year: Postgraduate diploma course

Seminars and workshops on contemporary motion design, motion branding/identity, motion typography, creative editing, sound design, aesthetics, creative writing, abstract narration, media dramaturgy, immersive spaces and project management.

Every semester there are regular and detailed discussions of all the students' motion design projects with the senior lecturers.

Diploma stage

Diploma project

Diploma project

In the fifth semester, a motion design diploma project is realised in cooperation with another department. The diploma project can be initiated by the Motion Design student themself or be designed as a service for another project (e.g. title sequence or campaign).

Prof Dr Heike Sperling

Motion Design is a study programme at the very highest level. FABW is the ideal context for motion design. This is where the network grows that enables our graduates to successfully establish agencies and studios. For me, this community and communication are the key to both motion design and the Filmakademie as a whole.

Prof Dr Heike Sperling

Senior Lecturer, Motion Design


FABW is the only university in Germany to offer the opportunity to develop motion design in collaboration with internationally renowned lecturers and instructors and then realise it as part of a team.


Prof Dr Heike Sperling

Senior Lecturer


Alexander Hanowski

Senior Lecturer


Eric Bernaud



Olaf Mierau



Prof Dr Christof Breidenich



Tobias Röttger



Marko Pfann



Dr Johanna Dombois



Jenna Kruminga



Prof Ralf Lobeck



Prof Claudia Rohrmoser



Susi Sie



Geier, Johannes

Creative director at Apple in Cupertino

Brenner, Paul

Creative director at Field in Berlin

Mayer, Milena
Creative director at flora&faunavisions Berlin

Timo Kreitz
Creative director at Elastique, Berlin

Thomas Lempertz
Visual artist and dancer

Fütterer, Martin
CEO Studio Float

Hesse, Lucas
Studio Lucas Hesse

Marka, Saskia

Title designer

Prof. Juric, Nina

KISD Cologne International School of Design

Rodenbröker, Tim

Graphic designer and artist
Founder of the online platform TRCC via Creative Coding


Application information and documents


You can find detailed information on the application process and the entrance exam here. We look forward to receiving your submission!

Application deadline: 15 February

Do you have further questions about the programme?

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