First year: Undergraduate studies
The first year of undergraduate studies is analogue to the first year of general studies at the Filmakademie (see course of studies).
Second year: Undergraduate studies
The second year of undergraduate studies is analogue to the second year of general studies at the Filmakademie (see course of studies).
Third year / Postgraduate diploma course 1
In the winter semester of the postgraduate diploma course, all students are taught the basics of creating their own contributions. The aim is to give students with different levels of prior knowledge a good grounding in the basics.
The first film is created, a joint production on a given topic, which can be freely designed. In the summer semester, the theoretical content is significantly reduced. This is replaced by networking and the first independent film with individual supervision by the lecturers.
Fourth year / Postgraduate Diploma Course 2
In the winter semester, only courses are offered, which alternate in the curriculum and usually comprise two to three seminars. The focus is on a 20- to 30-minute film with individual supervision and the initial ideas for the diploma film. The latter requires a certain amount of preparation if, as is very often the case, a co-operation with a broadcaster is desired.
By the beginning of the summer semester at the latest, the diploma film with a length of 30 to 45 minutes can be prepared. In the case of co-operation with a broadcaster, it is also possible and often desirable for the diploma film to be longer.
Diploma project
At the end of the summer semester, the diploma film is usually not yet finalised. It is therefore possible to work on it for a further semester. The deadline is the last working day in February, the diploma examination takes place in March or April, either after four and a half years of undergraduate and graduate studies, plus a mobility year or two and a half years in a postgraduate diploma course.