The Filmakademie ABC
Here you will find all the essential information about your studies at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg - sorted alphabetically.
Please note
Detailed information on contact persons and their contact details can be found in the Filmakademie Wiki.
For events in the online calendar, abbreviations are used for courses and buildings. For reference, here are the abbreviations of the courses (courses of study) as well as the buildings:
A - Animation
AEP - Animation/Effects Production
ALP - Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris
B/K - Cinematography
CD - Content Development
D - Screenwriting
DA 1 - all diploma postgraduate studies in the 1st year
D/Q - Screenwriting (project course program - direct entry)
DOK - Documentary Film
ELP - Executive & Line Production
FG - Experimental Film
GS - Undergraduate Studies
F+M - Film + Media
FM - Film Music
JF - Film Journalism
FSW - Film Acting Workshop
FT - Film Sound Production & Film Sound Design
IM - Interactive Media
IP - International Production
MD - Motion Design
M/S - Editing
P - Production
PS - Graduate Studies
R1 - Directing 1
R2/Ani - Directing 2/Animation
R2/doc - Directing 2/Documentary Film
R2/sz - Directing 2/Fiction Film
R2/Wer - Directing 2/Advertising Film
SB - Production Design
SP - Series Production
SZF - Fiction Film
TD - Animation/Technical Directing
TGA - Transmedia/Games Artist
TGD - Transmedia/Games Director
TGP - Transmedia/Games Producer
VFX - Visual Effects
WER - Advertising Film Directing
WEP - Advertising Film Production
For a site plan of the campus please click HERE (PDF).
A - Alleenstrasse
ADK - Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg
BAD - Stadtbad
G - Gewächshausweg
LU - Lubitsch
M - Mathildenstrasse
MET - Metropolis
MUR - Murnau
PH - University of Education Ludwigsburg
For compulsory courses, student attendance is recorded and checked electronically. Attendance, among other things, forms the basis for admission to examinations during the course of study.
If students are unable to attend a required lesson for an important reason, they must inform the Office of Student Affairs and their faculty of their absence in advance by email to the address:
Students at the Animationsinstitut may excuse themselves via the email address (Students in Interactive Media should also inform Anna Brinkschulte, students in Technical Directing Prof. Volker Helzle).
All other students should email, as mentioned above, as well as notify their respective faculty. For 1st and 2nd year students, these are the study coordinators or project supervisors for the current quarter or course semester.
ALL apology emails must include the following information:
- Date, title and instructor of the missed lesson (s),
- Own name, enrolled course of study with specialization, and year of study (1-4)
- Student‘s matriculation number
- A valid, concrete reason for the error ("for private reasons" is not sufficient)
- Medical certificate: After 3 days of illness, an original medical certificate must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs.
MON, 23.09.2024
Guest: Henry Selick
TUE, 24.09.2024 - FRI, 27.09.2024 for 1st year students (foundation course) and 1st year ADK students
MON, 23.09.2024 - FRI, 25.10.2024
MON, 23.09.2024 - FRI, 25.10.2024
VFX driving licence 1 (of 3), ePro, occupational safety, introduction to cinematic storytelling: Right and wrong images with Prof Thomas Schadt, Lily Erlinger
TUE, 24.09.2024 - FRI, 27.09.2024
Introduction to cinematic storytelling: Right and wrong images with Prof. Thomas Schadt, Lily Erlinger (2nd year students only from 26/09/2024!)
MON, 23.09.2024 - FRI, 25.10.2024
MON, 28.10.2024 - FRI, 29.11.2024, 4 weeks
MON, 02.12.2024 - FRI, 18.12.2024, 2.5 weeks
SAT, 21.12.2024 - TUE, 07.01.2025, 2 weeks
MON, 09.01.2025 - THU, 06.03.2025, 9 weeks
MON, 10.03.2025 - SUN, 06.04.2025, 4 weeks
MON, 07.04.2025 - TUE, 08.04.2025
MON, 08.04.2024 and TUE, 09.04.2024
MON, 14.04.2025 - FRI, 16.05.2025 and MON, 26.05.2025 - FRI, 06.06.2025, 7 weeks
WED, 11.06.2025 - FRI, 01.08.2025, 8 weeks
German Unity Day: THU, 03/10/2024 // All Saints' Day: FRI, 01.11.2024 // Christmas holidays: FRI, 23.12. 2024 - FRI, 03.01.2025 // Lecture-free period: MON, 10.03.2024 - FRI, 04.04.2024 // Easter holidays: FRI, 18.04.-21.04.2024 // Labour Day: THU, 01. 05.2024 Ascension Day: THU, 29.05.2024 // Whitsun: MON, 09.06.2024 // Corpus Christi: THU, 19.06.2025 // Lecture-free period: from MON, 04.0.2025
MON, 23.09.2024 - FRI, 07.03.2025
MON, 08.04.2025 - FRI, 01.08.2025
The Filmakademie is open around the clock from Monday to Friday, Saturday until 10 pm and then again from 7.30 am on Monday. FABW is closed on Sun-days until further notice due to the energy-saving measures in force. The doors can be opened with a student ID card at the access terminals. The doors to the Mathildenstraße and Murnau buildings are open during the day on week-days.
If you have any questions regarding access and keys please contact
At, students can enter and update their per-sonal data. Students can login with the login details provided by the IT de-partment (see "User account"). Personal passwords as well as additional in-formation such as residential address, mobile number, profile picture, filmog-raphy and biography can also be added and updated. (see "Change of ad-dress"). Many other IT systems and departments (e.g. Office of Student Affairs, eDISPO, eProject) will take students’ personal information from here. Addi-tionally, a guide with the Filmakademie’s most important web addresses can be found here.
Alcohol is prohibited throughout the Filmakademie, both on the grounds and in the buildings.
The alumni network enables graduates to stay in touch with each other, the Film-akademie and with current students. Graduates should register in the database on the alumni homepage During registration, students will also be given the opportunity to subscribe to the alumni newsletter to receive current information on events, workshops, job offers and other topics. Alumni meetings are held at various industry events, e.g. as part of the Berlinale or the FMX - Film & Media Exchange.
Students are not permitted to bring animals of any kind to the Filmakademie.
Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg stands for a place of work and study characterised by respect and tolerance, where friendly, appreciative and re-spectful interaction is cultivated. Discrimination and harassment are not toler-ated.
Nevertheless, situations may arise during your studies or at work that are un-settling, irritating, discriminatory or frightening. We are available as counsel-lors to provide support in these situations. Counselling is anonymous and confidential.
Guideline for protection against discrimination and harassment (PDF) in accordance with the General Equal Treatment Act at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg.
The AStA is elected by the Student Council and is composed of students from different courses of study. Its tasks are to bring student concerns to the attention of management, to critically question and improve the structure and teaching of the Film-akademie, and to create opportunities for exchange and relaxation away from the classroom.
Further information about the AStA as well as current members can be found in the Wiki. If you have specific questions, you can also contact the AStA directly, either by email to, by using the AStA mailbox in the student mail room or by visiting the AStA office in the Mathildenstraße building, room M 0.12.
As in any other city, it's worth buying a bike for faster, environmentally friendly transportation in and around Ludwigsburg. You can get used bikes cheaply at one of the region's bike flea markets:
Anyone who wants to rent a bike can do so at the bike station at the train sta-tion. Repairs are also offered there and individual bicycles are for sale.
Seminar rooms at the Filmakademie can be found in buildings Alleenstraße (A), Gewächshausweg (G), Lubitsch (LU), Mathildenstraße (M), Metropolis (MET), Murnau (MUR), Stadtbad (BAD) and the cinema Caligari. The Anima-tionsinstitut is located in the Alleenstraße (A) building. For a quick overview, there is a site plan at the beginning of the ABC.
All course-related dates can be viewed in the online teaching calendar. Stu-dents can also subscribe to specific calendars individually by logging in to with their user account. To see the calendar view of SOGo, click on the "Calendar" link at the top of the page.
Information about setting up your calendar client and how to use SOGo can be found in the Wiki >IT-OfficeNet >Email. Mailing Lists. Calendar. Address books
Campus International" is an initiative of students and staff at the Academy of Performing Arts, the Filmakademie with its Animationsinsitut, and people who have recently moved to Ludwigsburg from abroad, who all share an in-terest in creating spaces of encounter. Every quarter, the Academys open their doors and the foyer of the ADK becomes a place to learn about different cul-tures, experiences and lifestyles.
A wide variety of events, film screenings, musical performances and discussions offer the opportunity to exchange ideas and build networks. It is an invitation to people who are new residents in Ludwigsburg, students of the ADK, the Filmakademie, state employees in the area of integration, and to socially-engaged and interested people in Ludwigs-burg.
This system offers students many advantages in the form of web-based self-service functions, with direct and time-independent availability.
The following service functions can be used in the system:
Please use this tool consistently and check messages regularly. First-year stu-dents are already familiar with this campus management tool from the appli-cation phase.
The casting office of FABW is closely connected to the Film Acting / Screen Act-ing Department and is located in the Metropolis building, 1st floor, MET 1.47. Students can make appointments for casting discussions and opening hours are Monday to Friday. We can discuss projects, support the casting process if desired, and are available to answer any questions about film acting and cast-ing.
Databases such as, and are available for searching for actors and actresses. Ac-cess is granted according to the project and request. In addition to the casting platforms on the Internet, the casting office also has an extensive actors' index including more than 9,000 actors and actresses with their personal infor-mation.
For more information and how to set up casting calls:
Instagram: screenacting_fabw
If your postal address changes, please log on to using your Filmakademie login details and update your current address there. The Office of Student Affairs, Financial Accounting as well as eProject will receive this information automatically.
See also link in Wiki >Studium Home >Studienreferat and >Prüfungsamt >Studienreferat >Workflow - Change of address for students.
The Caligari cinema on the Filmakademie grounds (Akademiehof 9) has a 4K projector, 4K DCP server and a Dolby Atmos sound system. On weekdays, the cinema is available exclusively for the Filmakademie until 5:30 p.m. The Caligari is also the venue for project presentations at the end of the semester.
In the evenings and on weekends, the arthouse operator Kinokult e.V. uses the Caligari cinema for its public programme cinema screenings. Filmakademie students can attend these screenings at a discounted rate by showing their student ID. In addition, FABW in cooperation with Kinokult presents current film productions by students, alumni or teachers from various departments in the OPEN HOUSE series, which are followed by a film discussion. Attendance at these events is free for Filmakademie students upon presentation of their student ID. Kinokult also operates the Luna cinema in Ludwigsburg, shows films at Scala cinema and organizes Open Air screenings at the Karlskaserne grounds in the summer. For more information on this and current programmes, please visit:
Moreover, the cinemas Central and Union can be found in Ludwigsburg. Further info at:
Within the framework of so-called third-party funded projects, the Filmakad-emie offers students the opportunity to realize commissioned productions for external clients. These projects, which range from commercials to documen-taries and from artistic projects to complex web campaigns, are open to all students as well as to alumni of the Filmakademie. You can find more infor-mation about the guidelines in the Wiki. If you have further questions, please contact the above-mentioned persons.
A formal complaint can be submitted to the complaints office if there has been discrimination or disadvantage. The complaint opens up a neutral and fact-based procedure that involves FABW management and in which the names of those involved become known. It is therefore no longer subject to confidential-ity. However, the school´s management will take your protection concerns into account and work to ensure that the complainant is not disadvantaged. The procedure opens up the possibility of imposing sanctions against the discrimi-nating person.
The Counselling Centre can help you decide whether a formal complaint should be submitted.
In the Mathildenstraße building, room M 2.21, several iMacs installed with all relevant programmes (including Final Draft) are available for all students of the
Filmakademie. In addition to the possibility of scanning, there is also a printer that can be used free of charge (please pick up spare paper at reception, room M 0.15). Further opportunities to use computers are available in the library in the Metropolis building, room MET 0.47, and on the 1st floor of Lubitsch build-ing, where an iMac/surf computer with printer can be found near the coffee machine.
Unless otherwise specified, you can login to the PCs with your personal login details (see "User account").
All information about data protection and the handling of personal data at the Filmakademie can be found in the Wiki >Areas >Data Protection Home.
The production process of a film ends with digital post-production at the Ani-mationsinstitut. Students are provided with professional systems for grading, finishing and mastering their films. After grading, the film is converted into a broadcast- or cinema-ready format. This involves bringing together the cor-rected image versions, opening and closing credits, subtitles, VFX sequences and the finished sound mix. The end result is the master format, from which the corresponding distribution formats for broadcasters, cinema, or the Inter-net are derived. Productions for broadcasters must also undergo technical tests in digital post-production. In this process, video and audio levels (e.g. R128) are checked for compliance with the respective mandatory guidelines.
More info in the Wiki >Animationsinsitut >Digital Postproduction or by email to:
Since summer 2023 Lucca Veyhl and Aida Begović have been working as Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Coordinators for six German film schools at FABW.
As part of the Netflix project „Boosting the Next Generation: Förderung von Vielfalt, Chancengleichheit und Inklusion an Filmhochschulen“ they support the film schools on their way of providing the next generation of filmmakers with the skills for diverse and inclusive storytelling.
Since 2022 Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg has participated in the Diver-sity audit "Vielfalt gestalten" of the Stifterverband which supports and accom-panies universities and institutions in the development of a specifically tai-lored diversity strategy.
We formed a group, which coordinates the audit process within the Filmakad-emie strategically. Please contact us any time if you have questions, ideas or interest in working with us.
The programme "Gender & Diversity in Progress", which includes events such as lectures, workshops, panels or coaching sessions, should raise awareness of diversity-conscious creative processes in front of and behind the camera for the filmmakers of tomorrow. The events take place in departmental classes as well as in interdisciplinary sessions. All events can be found in the Wiki >Gender and Diversity in Progress @ FABW and on the FABW website.
eDISPO is the "partner" of ePro (see "Electronic Project Folder"). With eDISPO, it is possible to book all resources at the Filmakademie, such as technical equip-ment (camera and sound equipment, etc.) or rooms such as editing suites, workshops and studios. Staff members of the Filmakademie use eDISPO to book rooms for seminars and organize course programme schedules and other events. The booking calendar on eDISPO shows when and whether technical equipment is available for use.
The eProject import function also makes it possible to book and ultimately rent resources from a project budget.
Editing suites can be used by students for instructional purposes and for prac-ticing or editing student film projects. Before the editing suites can be used, the responsible students must submit a post-production workflow for their projects in the electronic project folder (ePro) and calculate the costs for the use of the editing rooms.
Once project planning has been approved, the budget is available in eDISPO and editing shifts can be booked. The staff of the Film/Video Editing depart-ment can provide support regarding the post-production workflow and check and approve the corresponding part of the project plan in eProjekt.
The electronic project folder (eProjekt) is THE central production tool at the Filmakademie. eProjekt is a web application that maps the entire process of film and media projects, from planning and execution to contracting and billing at the Filmakademie. Once the project has been completed, the eProjekt closing process is used to check the legal situation of the project, thus enabling further use.
In addition, other applications of the Filmakademie, such as for the website, press releases, and the project database, draw information automatically from the eProjekt data. For this reason, always make sure to keep your personal information up to date!
Messages from the Head of Studies, the Office of Student Affairs and Examina-tions Office, the Administration office, etc. are posted on the Filmakademie’s own Wiki and/or sent to students by email. In general, everyone at FABW can be reached by email with, or students with We strongly recommend that you read emails regularly so that you do not miss any important dates and information! You will also receive messages, in particular from the Office of Student Affairs, via your personal CMS student account. Please therefore always keep an eye on your personal account.
Study-related emails are sent both by specialist departments and via the mailing list: "studierenden-list" (see ‘Mailing lists’). Emails from this sender should therefore be given special attention. Students should enter their personal signature in their email account.
Example: Jane Doe, Cinematography student, 1st year, matriculation number 123456.
A current overview with the contact details of all staff members and project supervisors at the Filmakademie can be found in the Filmakademie Wiki.
Enrollment for first year students as well as for all other students takes place at the beginning of the new academic year (usually on Mondays).
Please upload the following documents to your CMS student account under the ‘Files & Documents’ tab in good time - ideally before you start your studies:
- Proof of existing health insurance
- Foreign students must also provide a proof of residence permit.
Student IDs are issued at the beginning of the semester (usually Monday) un-der the tent in the Akademiehof.
If you lose your student ID and need to apply for a new one, you will have to pay a fee of €20. Please contact Christine Majer in General Administration (room M 1.04, office hours Tue-Thu, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.).
As well as being a form of ID, your student ID card is also used to electronically record attendance and allows you access to the buildings of the Filmakademie. Details on this can be obtained from the Head of Studies.
Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg pursues a holistic and intersectional diversity strategy. All students as well as lecturers and staff at the Filmakademie have equal opportunities to participate and develop in their studies, re-search or teaching as well as in their day-to-day working life. FABW is part of an initiative with five other German film schools which set the goals of creating awareness of gender representation in film, empowering women in the film business, and adopting a zero-tolerance approach to dealing with sexualized violence and any form of discrimination in 2018. Since 2022, the Filmakademie has participated in the diversity audit "Vielfalt gestalten" ("Shaping Diversity") from the Stifterverband in order to expand and further develop its diversity strategy.
The programme "Gender & Diversity in Progress", which includes events such as lectures, workshops, panels or coaching sessions, should raise awareness of diversity-conscious creative processes in front of and behind the camera for the filmmakers of tomorrow. The events take place in departmental classes as well as in interdisciplinary sessions. All events can be found in the wiki and on the FABW website.
The Festival Office coordinates and organizes participation in national and international festivals, competitions and awards in collaboration with stu-dents. Students can get information and advice about festivals, prizes and other calls for entries at the Festival Office.
It is advisable to make an appointment by email or telephone (see above). Information about festivals, current submission deadlines and other relevant information is sent by email via the festival distribution list. You can sign up for this on the following page:
For offline video editing, well-equipped editing rooms with Avid Media Com-poser and Adobe Premiere Pro are available in the Lubitsch building. Editing shifts for student projects can be booked in eDISPO, provided that the neces-sary budget has been calculated and approved in advance via eProject.
High-quality, high-performance hardware is available in the editing rooms, such as HP Z8 & Apple Mac Pro workstations, AJA Io 4K PLUS video hardware, Eizo 4K video and computer displays, and Genelec speakers. An Avid NEXIS storage system can be used to store audio & video data and project data from Media Composer or Premiere.
The Filmakademie Ensemble is a group of students, staff, and alumni of the Filmakademie and the ADK and is open to all music enthusiasts who can sing or play an instrument. The ensemble plays a colorful mixture of pop, rock and soul music. Rehearsals take place during the lecture period on Tuesdays from 7 p.m. in the music recording room in the Murnau building (MUR 0.13).
If you are interested in participating or would like to receive information about current rehearsal dates, please check the FABW wiki for contact details.
AKApella, the Filmakademie’s choir, has been rehearsing regularly since 2019, on Mondays from 7:00 p.m. The group is made up of students from the Fil-makademie and its Animationsinstitut as well as of alumni and offers a genre-spanning repertoire from film music to classical music.
Interested parties are warmly invited to attend one of the rehearsals without obligation. Previous musical experience is not required and participation in the choir is free of charge. For more information about the rehearsals and the group, please contact us by email.
There is a first aid kit on each floor. In case of an emergency, always contact the person trained as a first aider for that floor first. The name, room and phone number are posted on the first aid box. Otherwise, dial the emergency number 112.
FMX is Europe’s most influential conference for the creative industries and a magnet for international media and entertainment artists and producers. For four days on site at Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart, FMX explores the latest in Animation, Visual Effects, Interactive and Immersive Media. Significant crea-tors in film and media production give glimpses into their bags of tricks, young talents find inspiration and possibly a job – with everyone enjoying the inti-mate atmosphere for debating, networking and mingling.
SAVE THE DATE: The 29th edition of FMX will take place May 6 to 9, 2025.
Vending machines for drinks are available in the student mail room in the Mathildenstraße building, room M 0.22, in the Lubitsch building, room LU 1.06, in the Metropolis building, room MET 1.33 as well as on the first floor of the Murnau building. For the sake of the environment, please use reusable cups if possible, especially the branded FABW thermal cups (available at the reception)!
Although there is no cafeteria at the Filmakademie, the "Blauer Engel" and the "Joe Peñas" in the Akademiehof, as well as the "Mavi-Imbiss" close to the Mathilden building (Seestraße 22) and the "TASKIN" (Kirchstraße 23, Lud-wigsburg) offer discounts for Filmakademie students. Food vouchers are re-quired for this, which you can obtain from the ticket machine opposite the reception.
Since food prices have recently risen significantly, and some of the restaurants mentioned here have had to make price adjustments, you have the option of selecting from two categories of food vouchers at the ticket machine: worth €4.00 or €5.00. This provides either a dish of the day or a dish from the menu up to €5.75. Drinks are also cheaper, but can only be paid for in cash.
The vouchers can only be exchanged from Monday to Friday and until 5:30 p.m. each day. On Saturdays, a small surcharge is added. After 5:30 p.m. and on Sundays, vouchers are not valid. If you would like to eat in the city canteen, it is sufficient to identify yourself with your student ID. You will then receive meals at a price reduced by the Studierendenwerk subsidy (€ 1.74).
Damage claims (property damage, no personal injury!) in connection with student projects must be reported immediately to the above email address.
Further information on the topic of insurance is taught in the basic course pro-gramme at the start of the academic year and can be found in the Wiki.
The English-language International Class (ICLA 2.0) always takes place in the summer semester. 24 guest students from the Filmakademie’s international partner institutions follow the English-language curriculum and work on pro-jects together with regular students. The group contributes to the plurality and diversity of campus life through its radically cosmopolitan composition. The International Office organizes the curriculum, scholarships and administrative processes around the ICLA.
The Filmakademie strongly advises students to take out international health insurance for stays abroad (e.g. filming, excursions, etc.), as the medical costs abroad are considerably higher than the benefits or reimbursements provid-ed by the statutory health insurance in Germany. In addition, statutory health insurance companies may not contribute to the costs of a return transport.
International health insurance should cover professional activities abroad (e.g. filming) and should be taken out in good time before departure.
More information about this can be found in the Wiki >Areas >Infoboard >Auslandskrankenversicherung.
Since 2020, the Filmakademie’s International Office has widened offers for outgoing and incoming students adapting them to students’ needs. An over-view of the current opportunities and general information on the topic can be found in the Wiki >International Office. The tasks of the International Office also include all topics related to mobility scholarships.
Student job opportunities at the Filmakademie are available in the following areas:
The Filmakademie participates with its own league in the football manager game of Kicker Online (game mode: 1. Bundesliga Interactive). Students, staff, lecturers, and alumni can participate. More information is provided by email by the Communications & Public Relations Office shortly before the start of the season.
The Kinderfilmhaus Ludwigsburg is an institution of the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg. Guests learn from FABW students how to make films and the stages in the filmmaking process that go into making them. At the Kinderfilmhaus, visiting groups are introduced to the media of film, television and advertising in a playful and, above all, interactive way, and are encouraged to critically reflect on its features and impact.
For more information please visit the homepage:
Opening hours: Mon - Fri, 10am – 18pm
Online catalog:
Filmakademie Productions:
The library / video & media library of the Filmakademie is located on the ground floor of the Metropolis building (MET 0.41, barrier-free access) and has an extensive film collection consisting of 17,000 DVDs and 1,000 Blu-Rays of all genres, as well as 31,000 books. The collection focuses on film and media studies in all thematic aspects, which are oriented towards the teaching events and artistic topics of FABW, and is supplemented by a selection of related subject areas (photography, art, literature, comics, etc.).
Only members of the Filmakademie (lecturers, staff, students) can borrow media from the collection. Work and research spaces are available. Curated film lists on selected topics are posted on Letterboxd ( About 50 magazines are subscribed to.
As a student of the Filmakademie, you will automatically receive emails with information about teaching and Filmakademie operations (schedule/room changes, event notices, staff changes, etc.). from the list studierenden-list. Messages from the Office of Student Affairs are marked STL in the subject line. Sending messages via the student list is only possible for Filmakademie employees and project supervisors.
The bulletin board list (pinnwand-list) is available to all members of the Filmakademie and is open for any kinds of classified ads, announcements, surveys, tips, etc. To be added to the list, users must register. Detailed instructions can be found in the Wiki >IT-OfficeNet.
Ludwigsburg has a large number of doctors and a clinic with an emergency room. If you are looking for a doctor and would like to know more about medi-cal practices in the area, you can find feedback written by members of the Fil-makademie in the Wiki >Doctors in Ludwigsburg. The Wiki features a number of doctors' offices in the region with evaluations from members of the Filmakademie. You can also share your own positive/negative experiences with doctors in the area there.
Since the 2023/2024 academic year the Mobility Year allows all students to spend a year gaining international experience between undergraduate and graduate studies. Students can choose one of four pillars:
1. Bilateral exchange
2. Traveling Without Moving (participation in ICLA)
3. Jobs and internships with an international dimension
4. Free mover
Following the mobility year, course studies are resumed in the 3rd year. Aca-demic credits can be transferred following consultation with relevant staff. Participation in the mobility year is not mandatory, but strongly recommended.
Comprehensive information on the Mobility Year is available at
Please also check out the subpages!
In the entrance area of the first floor of the Mathildenstraße building, there is a notice board for external and internal offers and requests of any kind. The digital alternative to this is the pinboard mailing list of the Filmakademie (see "Mailing Lists").
As FABW is the film producer of all productions created and realised at the Filmakademie, it also bears the economic and legal risk and is responsible for the distribution and publication of the projects. This also applies to any form of online publication.
Release criteria in brief:
Further information can be found in the Wiki:
Parking in the Filmakademie courtyard and the Akademiehof campus is not permitted! Failure to observe the parking ban may result in the vehicle being towed away at your own expense.
An exception are four parking spaces at the Caligari Cinema, which can only be used by vehicles for productions that are taking place at the time. These can be reserved in advance with a maximum of two parking spaces per production. Students must leave a deposit at reception in order to obtain a reservation and be issued with a key:
Students can use printers or copiers in the following buildings:
Mathildenstraße, Room 2.21
Metropolis, library and corridor 1st floor
The Lubitsch builing also houses an iMac/Surf computer with printer.
In the production design workshop, students' designs are realized as models or in original size. The workshop is mainly oriented towards woodworking. Saws, including panel saws, sliding table saws, crosscut saws and band saws, as well as the most important small machines are available and can be used by students after thorough training.
Surface work can also be carried out (painting, patina, covering, etc.). The workshop management advises on feasibility, design, material selection and costing.
Further information can be found in the Wiki >Technology Home >Produc-tion Design Workshop.
The Filmakademie has a small prop warehouse that provides productions of FABW with basic furniture and small props. Access is via the driveway next to the library. Appointments to view and borrow props can be made via the email address above.
Temporary offices for the production of film projects are available in the buildings of the Filmakademie. These offices are allocated by the respective departments.
Twice a year - at the end of January and mid-June - students receive an email from the Examinations Office via the CMS system asking them to transfer the re-registration fee for the coming winter or summer semester. We kindly ask you to adhere to the specified transfer deadlines in order to avoid de-registration!
We recommend that you set a reminder in your diary and pay particular atten-tion when you receive the payment request from the Office of Student Affairs in your CMS account! You can only retrieve your certificate of enrolment and VVS ticket (see ‘Semesterticket’) via the CMS-Campus system once you have transferred the re-registration fee.
The research and development department of the Animationsinstitut at FABW consists of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the development of innovative tools and technologies. The team is not only responsible for entertainment productions, but also for alternative and socially engaged applications. Over the years, a wide range of topics have been explored that are important for the media productions of today and tomorrow. Students also get the opportunity to experience the latest trends in technology firsthand:
The Deutschlandstipendium (German Scholarship), worth a total of €300 per month and limited to one year, supports high-achieving and committed students of all nationalities whose previous career path indicates outstanding academic achievement. The funding is made up of 50% from private funds and 50% from the federal government. The funding year begins in January and ends in December. The criteria for eligibility are reviewed by the Deutschlandstipendium Awards Committee as part of a selection process.
Students who are in their 4th year of study or PS/Q4 at the time of funding (diploma year) and who are not on leave are eligible to apply. The start of the submission for the Deutschlandstipendium will be communicated via an email to the student list or via the Wiki page. Further information can be found in the Wiki >Deutschlandstipendium.
Students at the Filmakademie have access to various mobility grants. There are also funding opportunities for international guest students (Incomings). More detailed information on current scholarship programmes and award conditions at the Filmakademie can be found in the Wiki >Scholarship Overview.
The Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Foundation is sponsoring Filmakademie projects once again this year. These are directorial works (advertising film, film journalism, fiction film, documentary film) from the 3rd year of study. Five projects per academic year will be funded with €3,000 each. Further information can be found in the Wiki >Project Funding LBBW.
If you are looking for an exposé, treatment or screenplay, you can find synopses in the script pool of material created in classes at the Filmakademie that have not yet been filmed: The complete books can be viewed by arrangement with the Project Supervisor Screenplay (M 2.15). Further information can be found in the Wiki >Scriptpool.
The Filmakademie is open around the clock from Monday to Friday, Saturday until 10 pm and then again from 7.30 am on Monday. FABW is closed on Sun-days until further notice due to the energy-saving measures in force.
Night work is generally permitted. In order to maintain this concept, it is es-sential to ensure that the doors and windows are always closed when leaving the rooms. At night, the security service checks the rooms at irregular intervals.
Smoking is prohibited in all buildings of the Filmakademie. It is permitted outside on the premises. Ashtrays are available on the campus.
Cannabis consumption is prohibited - both indoors and on the entire campus - due to the legally defined 100 metre ban around municipal schools.
At you have access to the Filmakademie’s internal groupware system. Students can log in with the login details provided by IT (see "User account") and access your personal emails, forwarding services, calendars and address books (see "Email" and "Calendar"). More infor-mation about SOGo and how it works is available in the Wiki >IT-OfficeNet and is conveyed in the basic course programme.
The Filmakademie does not rent out accommodation. There are four student dormitories in Ludwigsburg which students can apply for independently (Wohnheim Eduard-Spranger-Strasse, Wohnheim Haus Athena, Studenten-dorf Ludwigsburg, Wohnheim der Finanzen). If you are interested, please contact the administration office of the respective hall of residence directly.
For renting privately, we recommend, alongside the regular housing portals, the website of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart (, the noticeboard in the foyer of the Mathildenstraße building and the bulletin board mailing list: Apartments and rooms in shared apart-ments are also advertised here.
The city of Ludwigsburg offers all students resident in the city interesting of-fers and useful discounts (see "StuWi-Card").
On the first floor of the Mathildenstraße building there is a common room managed by the AStA, which is freely available to all students. In addition, it is possible to work in the Filmgalerie (Mathildenstraße building, room M 0.23) when no classes are being held there (see "Computer labs").
All students receive a pigeon hole in the student mail room, Mathildenstraße building, room M 0.22. The pigeon holes are used by the Filmakademie to distribute important communications that cannot be sent by email. In addi-tion, they are used to exchange other materials among students or between staff and students.
ATTENTION: Please do not deposit any valuable items there! FABW assumes no liability.
If you would like to receive professional counseling for personal or interpersonal problems, exam nerves or other reasons, you can contact the psychotherapeutic counseling center of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart. Appointments can be made Monday through Thursday between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. by calling 0711 - 9574480.
For phychotherapeutic matters, the Office of Student Affairs/Examination Office, building Mathildenstraße, room M 1.28 can provide points of contact. You can contact the Office of Student Affairs confidentially at any time with issues of a difficult or sensitive nature.
Since the summer semester of 2019, all students who are enrolled at one of the universities or academies in Ludwigsburg receive a StuWi Card. It is a bonus card, and more than 20 companies, associations and other institutions are al-ready involved. Students can activate the card using their matriculation num-ber and a personal ID number via the city's website and entitles card holders to participate in special bonus promotions. The companies and associations offer promotions for students on a platform linked to the city's website. The offers are verified before they are published in social media.
Students who register with their primary residence in Ludwigsburg will also receive a one-time credit of €200 on their StuWi card, which can be redeemed at all participating companies. Further information at:
The media technology and production technology departments of the Filmakademie are coordinated and supervised by the Head of Technology (Uwe Kurz). He is responsible for the planning, project management and implementation of acquisitions in the department as well as contact person and consultant for new aquisitions. Further information can be found in the Wiki >Technology Home.
Academic credits obtained from previous courses of study, when appropriate, can be recognized by the Filmakademie. Documents showing previous achievements relevant to the course of study can always be submitted up until the start of the Christmas vacation. Please fill out the form "Antrag auf Leistungsanerkennung aus dem Vorstudium" in the Wiki and submit it together with your course assignments, academic transcript and proof of course partici-pation, as well as any other relevant information, to the Head of Studies, room M 1.27. The respective department decides on the transfer of previous courses of study after checking the contents of the documentation. The Head of Studies will inform you of the decision shortly thereafter.
In the transfer room there are 6 ingest systems and 4 editing systems that can be used without prior booking. These systems are also connected to the Avid NEXIS storage system and are available for creating proxies, transcoding, importing, exporting, burning DVD or Blu-ray and other similar operations. The ingest systems are directly connected to the internet and can be used for uploads and downloads, especially for larger data volumes. In addition, they are equipped with card readers (CFAST, CompactFlash, SD, microSD) and one ingest system is equipped with an LTO-8 drive for backing up large amounts of data.
Originally the transfer room was a classic VTR room with numerous tape machines of different formats. Currently the following formats are supported: HDCAM, HDV, DV/DVCAM, Digital BetaCam, Betacam SP (playback only), Hi8/Video8 and VHS. With the video editing systems, dubbing from or to tape is possible. Players for Blu-ray, DVD and CD as well as a DVD copier 1 to 7 are available.
Organized by the General Student Committee (AStA), the Rotbäumlesfeld sports hall at Danziger Straße 30 in Ludwigsburg is available to all students of the Fimakademie every Friday from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. for indoor sports with a playing area of 40x20m. There are also various self-organized sports groups. For more information on the various sports groups at FABW, please visit the AStA page in the Wiki.
In addition, students of the Filmakademie can participate in general university sports programmes offered by the Ludwigsburg University of Education (PH). For more information about the programme and course times, please visit:
To access the Filmakademie’s IT systems, such as email, Wiki and WIFI, you will need a user account. This is managed centrally and consists of a personal username and password, which you will receive during your initial IT training course. The personal password must then be changed as soon as possible at, and you will need to read and accept the declaration of consent for the use of the IT systems.
If the password is not changed and / or the declaration of consent is not submit-ted, the user account will be deactivated no later than two weeks after the Foundation Course Programme at the beginning of the winter semester. This can only be reactivated by the IT-OfficeNet department, Gewächshausweg building, room G 1.06.
VFX stands for visual effects and serves as an umbrella term for a wide variety of digital applications. When building a team, it is important to know first how the work will be realized, in order to find the right team of artists. For this, students can request VFX consultations and use the VFX consultation hours. Dates are always communicated through the student mailing list. Participation is a prerequisite for a possi-ble collaboration with students of the Animationsinstitut.
A VFX project is always a long-term commitment for the VFX team as the pro-cessing time can extend over months. It should be requested as early as possi-ble (even during script development).
The following guide is designed to help get VFX projects in collaboration with the Animationsinstitut successfully off the ground:
Please keep all rooms clean and tidy. The rubbish bins at the Filmakademie allow for the separation of paper and non-recyclable waste.
The following applies to the printer in computer room M 2.21: Even though paper is provided for free, for the sake of the environment, please take care to avoid unnecessary printouts.
Students can connect their own computers and smart devices to the Filmakademie network via WIFI. Please use the WIFI "eduroam" for this purpose. Details on how to set this up can be found in the foundation course programme or in the Wiki >IT-OfficeNet.
At students and staff can access the Wiki of the Filmakademie. This is the central tool for both knowledge sharing and important communications.
In addition to notifications from the Head of Studies, the Office of Student Affairs, the Examinations Office, or the Communications & Public Relations Office, you will also find guidelines for lessons and film production, lesson scripts, topics for films and film sequence analysis, as well as answers to questions such as "What should I bear in mind when registering for or retaking an examination?" Contact details of all staff and students are also listed here.
Please read the messages in the Wiki regularly so that you do not miss any important deadlines! If you want to be informed about changes to certain areas in the Wiki, activate the "Watch" function for the respective pages. You can access the Wiki with your personal login details (see "User account").
Statutory accident insurance covers occupational accidents that occur during employees’ working hours or on their way to work. This also applies to students for the duration of their studies at the Filmakademie. Students are insured against accidents through the Unfallkasse Baden-Wuerttemberg (UKBW).
Accidents at work must be reported to the Personnel & Fees Department within 3 working days. The form for the accident report and further information can be found in the Wiki >areas >infoboard >work accident.
Do you have any further questions about studying at the FABW?
Feel free to contact us!