The Alumni Network connects the more than 2,000 graduates of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg with one another and with their university. The contacts made during their studies can be maintained and expanded within the network. This also applies to the creative exchange on new joint film and media projects.

Alumni Management provides a framework for this, for example through networking, events and a regular newsletter.


The magic word for maintaining and continuously expanding the alumni network is: Student-Alumni Life Cycle. Ideally, this means that graduates become aware of the alumni network while they are still students, realise that they are part of this community when they graduate, at the latest, and remain loyal to it for the rest of their lives.

This is not primarily about nostalgia, but about the benefits that both the alumni and the university can derive from it. At the Filmakademie, for example, a number of alumni are active in teaching as guest lecturers, in programme coordination or project support.

Let´s Stay in Touch!

Alumni Management actively promotes the connection between alumni and the Filmakademie, for example through annual alumni meetings during the Berlinale or at the international specialist congress FMX - Film & Media Exchange in Stuttgart.

In addition, a regularly published alumni newsletter keeps graduates updated on current developments at FABW. It also provides information about job and workshop offers as well as scholarships and bursaries.

On the alumni homepage, alumni themselves have the opportunity to update their profiles and thus draw the industry's attention to themselves or register for events.
Offers that go beyond the course of studies and are geared towards the transition to professional life as well as talent development initiatives can be found in the Beyond Study section of the Animationsinstitut website.

Soleen Yusef

"It was the best decision not to stay in Berlin. My seven years at the Filmakademie were very formative. I developed a lot during this time, especially personally and character-wise. I was able to process a lot through my films. I wasn't aware of that at the beginning. And then, of course, there was this great collective of many great fellow students and their films, which had a great impact on me. It's a microcosm, but one that brings about great changes."

Soleen Yusef

Graduate, Directing Fiction Film 2016 (SAM - A SAXON, DEUTSCHLAND 89, SIEGER SEIN))

Julian R. Wagner

"At the time, I thought very carefully about where I wanted to study film, and the Filmakademie was clearly my first choice. I found the study programme to be very compact. A lot of projects are realized in a short time. Very focused and with a great love of visual language. Accordingly, the projects gave me many opportunities to try things out. (...) We did nothing but make our films, which is why we formed such a great community that still exists even outside the Filmakademie."

Julian R. Wagner

Graduate, Production Design 2010 (THE SWARM, TRIBES OF EUROPA, HEART OF STONE)