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Multiple awards for outstanding productions

The Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg is delighted with its impressive successes at this year's Televisionale, which took place from 27 November to 1 December at the Kurhaus Baden-Baden. Several productions by students and alumni of the Film Academy were honoured with prestigious awards, underlining the quality of the training and the artistic achievements.

Diploma feature film ZWISCHEN UNS DIE NACHT honoured twice

The graduate feature film ZWISCHEN UNS DIE NACHT (directed and written by Filmakademie alumna Abini Gold) received the Television Film Award of the German Academy of Performing Arts 2023 and was also honoured with the Film Award of the Students 2023.

ZWISCHEN UNS DIE NACHT was broadcast on ZDF at the end of November as part of the ‘Shooting Stars - Junges Kino im Zweiten’ series and tells the story of Marie, a young and destitute mother who is trapped in a life she never wanted. When she saves the life of adrenaline junkie Erich, she is fascinated by him. Erich leads Marie into his world as a showman and takes her with him on the hunt for an intense life. This marks the beginning of an intoxicating love affair that confronts Marie with an important decision.

MFG Star - Series prize of the students and honour award

Director Milena Aboyan was also honoured with the MFG Star 2023 for the best new directorial work for her graduation film ELAHA . The film, which is currently showing in cinemas, tells the story of a young Kurdish woman who tries to remain in harmony with her family and community despite rebelling against imposed rules. The jury praised the authentic and sensitive portrayal of complex characters and strong images.

The Student Series Award 2023 went to SAM - EIN SACHSE (Disney+), directed by FABW alumna Soleen Yusef*. The series received praise for its strong, authentic storytelling and outstanding acting performances. The series jury, which consisted exclusively of Filmakademie students , emphasised the importance of the story told: on the one hand, the series offers a haunting, contemporary and overdue perspective on the search for a homeland within Germany, far removed from simple stories of racism. On the other hand, she emphasised the powerful authenticity and praised the series for its universally understandable portrayal of a biographical experience.

This year' s Televisionale Honorary Award was presented to the “Schreibkombinat Kurt Klinke”, a collective of authors characterised by outstanding quality in screenwriting for film and television and consisting mainly of FABW graduates. Stefanie Veith, Boris Dennulat, Michael Proehl and Michael Comtesse joined forces in 2009 (together with Michael Tuchmann, who died in 2016) during their studies at the Film Academy in Ludwigsburg and, together with the other member of the collective, Erol Yesilkaya, have since played a key role in shaping the television and, in particular, the crime drama landscape. Together they have created over 30 TATORTE for ten investigative teams for ARD, as well as producing more than 25 feature-length films and around 70 episodes for 17 different series.

Die Televisionale

Die Televisionale 2023, eine Weiterentwicklung des FernsehfilmFestivals Baden-Baden, hat sich als wichtiger Branchentreff für Fernsehschaffende etabliert. Das Festival präsentiert nicht nur herausragende Fernsehfilme und German Originals, sondern bot in diesem Jahr auch attraktive Möglichkeiten zum Netzwerken, intensive Diskussionen sowie Talkformate mit anwesenden Filmteams.

Weitere Informationen: https://televisionale.de/pressemitteilung/preistraegerinnen-2023

Foto: Sophie Schüler

*Soleen Yusef ist Stipendiatin der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung und hat im Rahmen ihres Studiums an einem internationalen Partnerprogramm teilgenommen.
